
What We Watched Last Week – 7/15/20

Everyone is streaming, now more than ever. Here’s what we watched last week!

Warrior Nun (Netflix)

Sometimes you just have to watch the new show that Netflix is promoting. Am I really going to say no to a show about some crazy nuns who fight demons for a living? I mean, maybe… but I’m probably going to watch it. I’d definitely say it’s worth a shot. Ellen Page doppelgänger alert!!

Good Kids (Prime)

Not the first time I had seen this one, but it’s on Prime now so I felt like it was time to give it another go. Zoey is my girl. Greg is my guy. Couldn’t go wrong watching this one again.

Battlestar Galactica (Peacock)

Oh yeah. We’re running this one back. Destined to be the side-show of TMB for the remainder of the summer, Battlestar will undoubtedly make our lives better for the next month or two. I could go on a rant about why everyone should get over themselves and just watch the show, but I’ve already done that on the Battlestar page.

The First Time (Prime)

Ha. This Movie Blows. BUT I honestly don’t care. Sometimes I need a movie that requires no thought before I go to bed. Sometimes I want to watch something a little dumb and full of teenage angst and annoyance. The First Time provided that for me last week. So thanks Dylan and Britt! Love you both!

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