
What We Watched Last Week – 7/23/20

Palm Springs (Hulu)

There is a lot of hype going around Palm Springs at the moment, along with some critical acclaim. That, coupled with the fact the stars are Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti, led me to put this on without really having any idea what it was about. It’s… okay. An interesting take on the Groundhog Day movie format, looking at two people living the same day over and over, instead of one. Samberg’s character probably goes through the same day ten thousand times, minimum, showing an impressive knowledge of the day’s events.1 Is it worth a watch? Probably. Is it worth two? Doubt it.

Desperados (Netflix)

Not a lot to say about this Netflix Original, it just stinks. Talk about trying too hard. Clearly Netflix thought that they could sneak their way into the raunchy, over the top comedy category with this one, but they failed miserably. Don’t watch it.2

Other than those, only really had time to watch our weekly shows. Here’s a couple:

The 100 (Neftlix)

Probably the favorite active TV show of TMB. The seventh and final season is airing on the CW right now and last week’s was actually a prequel episode that may lead to a spinoff next year. The final season has been great, and the way that they have been able to tie it back to the earlier seasons is kind of crazy. I would try to explain it, but there’s just no way you would understand. Every season of this show is different, but still holds onto it’s core values. First six seasons are on Netflix…

Stargirl (DC Universe, The CW)

The newest DC superhero show, this one really surprised me! As long as you can suspend reality a bit and recognize that you are, in fact, watching a show where the characters have special abilities, Stargirl is great! Ten episodes have aired and I probably liked nine of them, four or five of which I thought were great. Think if Riverdale and Super Friends3 had a crazy baby, and then gave it top notch production quality for television. That’s what you’re getting. Highly recommend if you like the superhero and/or young adult genres.

  1. Maybe the most of anyone in any Groundhog Day movie?
  2. Unless, as always, you’re super bored and have watched everything else. Which you haven’t.
  3. Yes, seriously. That Super Friends.
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