
Sean’s Rankings of Every TV Show from 2020

Well, it’s the end of the year, so it’s time to rank everything we watched in 2020. I was initially going to do a top 10 and a bottom 10, but I felt like that was a disservice to the other 29 seasons of TV I watched this year… so I decided to rank them all. From 49 all the way to number one. Let’s get right into it, here’s what went into my ranking process.


  • Show had to have a season that started and ended in 2020.
  • I ranked the 2020 season itself, not the show as a whole. The ranking of this particular season isn’t necessarily indicative of what I think of the show as a whole.
  • I didn’t watch every single show in existence. It’s really difficult to do that. Did I watch Outer Banks several times? Yes. Could I have been watching Tiger King or Lovecraft Country instead? Yes. Did I? No. So deal with it.
  • The following are the four factors (in order of importance) that I take into account when grading each season:
  1. How much I enjoyed the show. My enjoyment factor is the most important factor, hands down.
  2. How good I thought the show was. I recognize how good a show is, but this ultimately isn’t as important as how much I like it.
  3. Re-watchability. I like re-watching shows. A lot. If I don’t want to watch it again, deduct points.
  4. How it compared to previous seasons of the show (if applicable). Example: Season 5 of Game of Thrones was always going to have a lot to live up to after Season 4 and while the season sucked anyways because it was literally terrible, it only made things worse following an incredible season like Season 4.

That’s it! Let’s do this. Get on over to page 2.

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