
Sean’s Rankings of Every TV Show from 2020

Top 3: The 2020 Elite

3.) The Mandalorian – Season 2
So I started making this list at the end of November and I initially had The Mandalorian in the 5/6 spot. The first half of the season was so good that I thought I had it’s spot locked down. Then the second half of the season happened, and it somehow got BETTER. I’m very comfortable with Mando getting the 3 spot. Everything about this season was incredible. The second episode was “average” and all of the others completely exceeded expectations. Jon Favreau built up his new characters while introducing beloved characters from the multiple animated series. What a ride. Star Wars is back.

The Mandalorian

2.) The Queen’s Gambit
If you had told me at the beginning of the year that Netflix was randomly going to drop a barely marketed mini-series set in the 50s/60s about a girl who uses drugs to become a chess savant and that show would end up being the most-watched show on Netflix in 2020, I would have said you were crazy! Welp! All of that came true! This show is incredible and most of that is due to Ana Taylor-Joy. I had seen her in a couple things before (Split, Peaky Blinders) and considered her to be a decent actress, but had no idea she was capable of a performance like this. I expect The Queen’s Gambit to absolutely clean up during awards season, with Taylor-Joy leading the charge in the acting categories.

Anya Taylor-Joy On Her Latest Series 'The Queen's Gambit' - Happy Ali
The Queen’s Gambit

1.) Ozark – Season 3
After the second season of Ozark, I was 99% out on this show. The first season was solid and the second was a hot pile of garbage. Imagine my surprise when the third season ended up being the best season of television in 2020 (in my opinion). The story went from feeling meaningless and all over the place to structured and intense, with the best acting the show has seen so far. The introduction of Wendy’s brother, Ben, was the show’s best addition and the fact that Tom Pelphrey didn’t even get an Emmy nomination is criminal. Watch the scene with him in the taxi and not be completely enthralled. Ozark has reached the top of the mountain, and just in time for the two-part final season.


That’s it! Thanks for coming! Don’t like it? Complain on Twitter.

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