
WandaVision: What to Expect from the First MCU Show on Disney+

We did it! Over 18 months since Spiderman: Far From Home, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is finally back. The first two episodes of WandaVision premiere on Disney+ on Friday. With excitement at an all-time high after the extended break in content, I thought it would be good to get everybody geared up for tomorrow and what they should expect from WandaVision.

Disclaimer: There will be no spoilers here because I don’t know any spoilers. There are theories galore and trailers to watch, but other than that this show has been shrouded in mystery.

How many episodes are there? How long will they be?
WandaVision is set for nine episodes over eight weeks, with two being released in the first week. The entire show is reportedly about six hours in total length. My projection is six thirty-minute episodes followed by three hour-long episodes. More on that…

What should be expected in terms of the show’s structure?
This is where things get interesting. Throughout the show (at least for the first six-ish episodes), Wanda and Vision are going to be taken through the different ages of television. Starting with the 50s in episode one and eventually carrying us through to the present day sit-com. Why or how this is happening is unknown, but be sure to be ready for the laugh track in the first couple episodes, as well as “fake commercials”.

For expectations purposes, do not watch WandaVision and the epic battles from Civil War or Endgame in these first few episodes. You’ll just end up disappointed. On Friday you’re getting the first hour of a six hour series, so it’s really best to keep expectations checked, although the content should still be great. Ultimately, my prediction is that the first six episodes will represent each era of sit-com where we slowly discover what is happening to Wanda and Vision. From there, I think the show’s going to really take off, finishing with three hour-long episodes of pure action and mayhem.

Do you have any idea what’s happening? Any theories?
Again, I have no idea what’s going on here. Vision totally died in Infinity War, right? But so did half the universe. And then they all got snapped back. And then Thanos died. But Vision was still dead. So what’s happening? Some theories:

Wanda brought Vision back theory:
Probably the most popular theory at this point. We know that Wanda was devastated by the loss of Vision. First, killing him herself, but then watching time get rolled back only to watch Thanos kill him again. So the theory here is that in her mourning and sorrow, Wanda used her abilities to re-create Vision in this alternate reality of Westview (the town they now live in). This could make sense as her abilities were gained from the Mind Stone, which is the same stone that Vision had in his head. This also connects to the…

Wanda broke the multi-verse theory:
We’ve known for some time that the multi-verse was going to be a big part of the MCU, ever since the Doctor Strange sequel gained the subtitle, In the Multiverse of Madness. What we haven’t known is how the multi-verse was going to come into play. WandaVision could be the answer. In creating Westview and reviving Vision, it’s possible that Wanda split open some kind of rift in the multi-verse, which will then carry throughout this phase of the MCU. I mean, have you seen some of these Spider-Man 3 rumors? Yowza.

In Conclusion:
There are a whole lot of ideas as to what could be going on here. Maybe this is all happening inside the Mind Stone. Maybe time travel is involved again. Maybe some nefarious character we haven’t seen in the MCU yet has started to pul strings like Thanos did in the early days. Mephisto? Kang? Is Wanda having a baby? Babies? If so, would they even be real?

WandaVision is going to be a slow burn over the next eight weeks. It’s going to be unlike any other other MCU property we’ve seen before and it sounds like it’s going to be confusing AF. Regardless, I’m excited. You’re excited. We’re ready for this. See you on the other side.

Latest Wanda GIFs | Gfycat
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