
This Week in the MCU : WandaVision Recap and What’s Up Next

Hey Everybody! By popular demand, this will be the beginning of the TMB weekly1 MCU update. Seeing as how we’re going to be getting new content most weeks going forward, we should have a lot to talk about. We’ll dive into what was released, what’s coming next, and, the real fun stuff, what popped up on the rumor mill this week. Don’t worry, I’ll hide major (potential) spoilers.

Saying that, if you didn’t watch WandaVision and you plan to, stop reading now. Seriously though. If you care about the MCU but aren’t going to be up to date2, you probably shouldn’t be reading these.

Let’s Talk WandaVision

WandaVision was great. Really great. Absolutely excruciating at times as we had to watch it over 8 weeks. But still great. Wanda’s journey through sit-com land was easily the most talked about TV show the past two months. Some of my takeaways:

The Scarlet Witch

Wanda was the star here, hands down. Some people are even calling for Olsen to be nominated in the awards circuit this year and you certainly won’t hear me argue against it. Moving on from being a purely supporting role, Wanda should be a fan favorite moving forward. Not only that, but her impact on the MCU should be massive, as she has finally taking on the mantle of the Scarlet Witch3 and was even noted as possibly being more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme. We’ll see her next with a certain sorcerer in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The Bad Guy (Girl)

Mephisto? Nightmare?? Demons??? Nope! It was Agatha All Along and Kathryn Hahn knocked it out of the park. I think it’s safe to say that she’ll be back in the future, potentially even with one of the aforementioned “demons”. As director Matt Shakman said this week, the true villain of WandaVision was Wanda’s grief. Her anger and sadness literally created a an alternate reality where she enslaved an entire town in New Jersey. While she did it unknowingly, at least at first, what she did was still very wrong. Having those lines blurred throughout the show was probably the most intriguing part of WandaVision. Oh, well that the fact that for 90% of the show we has no freaking clue what was happening.


Rant time! Only decision I really didn’t like about the show. Was seeing Evan Peters as a version of Quicksilver great to see again? Absolutely. Was I disappointed when he ended up being Ralph Bohner?? YUP!4 What I hate more than anything is when people on Twitter try to tell me that “there was never mention of multiverse in the show” and “you shouldn’t have had that expectation.” OF COURSE we should have that expectation!! No, there wasn’t direct mention of the multiverse in the show. But it was integral in Endgame, mentioned in Far From Home, and oh yeah one of the very next movies is called MULTIVERSE of Madness. Don’t even get me started on all the other Spider-Man multiverse rumors. And if you’re going to try and tell me that seeing Evan Peters as Quicksilver doesn’t instantly make you think of some of the most iconic scenes of the entire X-Men franchise, you’re nuts. GTFO and take Ralph with you.

The Twins

Billy and Tommy were some of the best parts of the show, and seeing Wiccan and Speed get to use their powers was a lot of fun. While it was clear that they were created in the hex, it’s hard to envision the future of the MCU without them now, especially as evidenced in the post-credits scene. If you wanna know when they might pop up next…

Potential Spoiler Inside Show

What About Everyone Else?

Let’s not forget about everyone else! We got the return of Darcy Lewis and Jimmy Woo, plus the addition of an older and unblipped Monica Rambeau. Darcy and Jimmy definitely need to come back soon. Whether that’s as a supporting cast member in Multiverse of Madness or Jimmy getting his own MCU X-Files, these guys gotta come back. As for Monica, not only did she pick up some fun new superpowers, but it appears that she’s on her way to space. We know she’ll be back for Captain Marvel 2 in November 2022, but it wouldn’t surprise me to see her sooner… maybe in Secret Invasion? There’s also a White Vision flying around the world now too, so who knows when he might show up again.

Overall, I loved WandaVision. As the 24th installment in the MCU, I’m putting it somewhere in the #7 to #10 range in my rankings. Should be able to narrow it down after 12 to 13 more viewings.

What’s Coming Next?

The Making of WandaVision: This Friday, 3/12

I’m not usually one to look forward to the “making of” some show or movie, but this one intrigues me. Nine episodes full of CGI magic, dueling Visions, and live audiences all within six decades worth of sit-com sets.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Next Friday, 3/19

Probably the best part of Disney+ is that WandaVision ended last week and TFATWS starts next week. While writing this, three ads for the show have come on the TV and I am jacked up. We’ll talk more about this over the next month, but TFATWS will be pretty much nothing like WandaVision. Essentially a continuation of the Captain America movies, expect a lot of action… and a lot of Bucky and Sam making fun of each other.

Black Widow: May 7th

This week Disney confirmed on their investor call that Black Widow is indeed coming out in theaters on May 7th. Simply put, Disney can’t wait any longer to release Black Widow without holding up some of their other projects. The movie may be a prequel, but it will definitely still have some major implications going forward in the MCU. No word on if this will hit Disney+ as a part of their premiere package, but the word on the street is that Marvel plans to keep it in theaters only.

Rumor Mill!

Some rumblings from the past week! Read at your own Risk!

New Rumor! The Future of Spider-Man in the MCU

Potential Spoiler Inside Show

2022/2023 Movies Come into Focus

Potential Spoiler Inside Show

Some Info on Thor: Love and Thunder… From the Set!

Potential Spoiler Inside Show

Sean’s Speculation of the Week!

So the more that I’ve thought about it, the more that I think that the Young Avengers are going to have a big multi-season run on Disney+. It has been reported in the past that Disney is looking for a long-term series along the lines of Harry Potter, and I think this could be the answer. With young team members such as Wiccan, Speed, Kate Bishop (Hawkeye), Cassie Lang (Stature), Miles Morales, Disney could have an annual 10+ episode hit on their hands.

Running within the MCU, the team could evolve year after year, adding in new young characters from the shows and movies while also having characters eventually leave as they’re promoted to the Avengers. I’m thinking Young Justice, except it’s Marvel, live-action, and freaking awesome. Think about it Kevin! Unless this is in the plan already. Then keep doing you.

That’s all I got! Hopefully see ya next week!

  1. Probably not, but I’ll try.
  2. Which is totally fine! Not there’s anything wrong with that!
  3. The new look is pretty awesome
  4. And no, I don’t care that it was a Growing Pains reference.
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