About Us

First, let’s clear up any stranger danger with a little bit about us:

Who are we?

We are two twenty-something year old’s who love movies. Not in the uppity “Blade Runner’s cinematography reminds us of the inevitable darkness that will succumb our reality”1 way, but in the “so guys, I’m gonna skip macroeconomic theory today to run to Best Buy to get the special edition of Fast Five on DVD and Blu-ray”2 way.  

Who are we IRL?

Damn. On the internet, we are smokes. Total dimes. The whole package head to toe. In the real world, we are average guys with average jobs looking to exploit our inalienable right as millenials to pollute the internet with outrage and illogical opinions while laughing and cheering as the world gets concussed.

Why start a movie blog now?

We are also two twenty-something year old’s who love a good deal! AMC recently introduced their own monthly movie subscription, where you get to see 12 movies/month for $20/month, so if we see only 3ish movies a month, we’ll be saving money! If anyone was wondering, Infinity War holds up on the 4th and 5th viewing.

But why should you waste your time reading our blog?

We get it. In a given work day, we all have maybe 3 hours of priority scrolling to complete through Insta, Snap, FB, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Indeed3, etc. We are not trying to replace any of those. But when Friday afternoon rolls around and you’ve reached the end of the Internet, what’re you going to do? Reluctantly ask Deborah what her weekend plans are? EWW! Sneak out early and wait at the bar by yourself ?4 NO! You’re going to join us and:

Finally live a little, finally laugh a little

Just let us give you the freedom to dream

And it’ll wake you up and cure your aching

Take your walls and start ’em breaking

Now that’s a deal that seems worth taking

But I guess I’ll leave that up to you5

  1. Shammy refuses to learn what cinematography is.
  2. Sean did not perform admirably on the next problem set.
  3. Just tryna make money moves #sorrynotsorry
  4. Like Steven Glansberg.
  5. We really don’t deserve The Greatest Showman soundtrack.
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