Moulin Rouge


Starring: Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor

Sean’s Synopsis: The ultimate musical romance movie.1 Set in early 20th century Paris, a writer (McGregor) meets a beautiful courtesan (Kidman) and they instantly fall for each other. But she has been promised to another, making their romance forbidden. Though that doesn’t stop them, and eventually they will face the music.2

Sean’s Verdict: Unless you’re one of those people that just can’t stand musical movies, there’s no real good reason to have not seen this one. It’s epic, Best Picture nominated, and a pure must-watch. In my opinion, I would also say that these are McGregor and Kidman’s best roles of their careers so far.

  1. A Star is Born is a movie with lots of music, but it’s not a musical. Okay?
  2. See what I did there?
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