Space Force

Netflix Original

Length: 1 Season

Starring: Steve Carrell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz

Sham’s Synopsis: Mark Naird (Carrell) is picked to run the newly created Space Force. He moves the family from DC to Colorado. He’s a career soldier who’s in over his head who finds himself in several wacky situations. His teenage daughter also isn’t pleased with the move to Colorado and assumes the role of the unruly daughter with an attitude problem. Within Space Force, Adrian Mallory (Malkovich) advises Mark on the science of space exploration. He’s a nerd who thinks he’s better than everyone else, but we find out he actually does have feelings and isn’t a complete a-hole.

Sham’s Verdict: As expected, overhyped. When people assume they’re going to get Michael Scott reincarnated and The Office humor but then you don’t provide Michael Scott and The Office, people are going to be disappointed. There are a couple above average episodes that made me giggle. I was very much emotionally invested when the monkey is trying to fix the space station. Though, that might be more attributable to me fully empathizing with the monkey than the comedic aspect of the situation. He’s receiving work instructions from what seems like a million miles away in a language he doesn’t quite understand, all while being expected to complete his assignment flawlessly. I feel ya, monkey. I really do.

Positives: It’s lighthearted, easy to watch, and requires a minimal viewer commitment (ten 30 minute episodes). I laughed a few times.

Negatives: It should’ve been funnier. Mark isn’t Michael Scott. Tony isn’t Jean Ralphio. Teenage daughter angst isn’t good tv. Angsty teenage daughter being ridiculously mean is good tv. It could’ve used more of that.

Verdict: Unless you’re a big Steve Carrell fan, it’s a pass.     

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