Battlestar Galactica

Peacock (ugh, I know)

Length: 4 Seasons

Starring: Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff

Sean’s Synopsis: This space epic follows the last of the human race after the AI robots they created destroy their home worlds in a nuclear holocaust. The remaining humans travel across space, led by their last remaining battleship, the Galactica, in search of a new home. That new home comes from their religious scriptures, and it is called Earth.

Sean’s Verdict: Okay just cool it, alright? We don’t want to hear about how stupid this sounds. 25 years ago if I had told you that the potential greatest tv show of all time was going to be a medieval fantasy show with dragons, smoke babies, and winter zombies, you would’ve laughed in my face. BSG has every element you could possibly want in a tv show and some of the greatest characters of all time.1 Forget the fact that it’s in space with (some) robots and watch the mini-series and a few more episodes. You’ll be hooked, I promise.

  1. Gaius Baltar is freaking amazing.
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