The Boys

Prime Original

Length: 1 Season (Season 2 – 9/4/20)

Starring: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr

Sean’s Synopsis: In a world full of people with abilities, The Seven is a group of superheroes created by an international corporation in order to protect the public. Little does everyone know, The Seven is full of corruption and runs on an agenda. It’s up to The Boys, a vigilante group led by Billy Butcher (Urban), to put a stop to them.

Sean’s Verdict: Imagine the Justice League, but they’re all either perverts or evil. That’s The Seven. You’ll recognize quickly that the members of The Seven are ripoffs of Justice League members, but that’s kind of the point. It’s a superhero show, sure, but it’s also dark, gritty, and funny. You don’t see what happens to someone when the Flash collides with them in cartoons, but you do here1 The Boys is amazing.

  1. Lots and lots of blood.
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