Cloak and Dagger


Length: 2 Seasons

Starring: Olivia Holt, Aubrey Joseph

Sean’s Synopsis: Two teenagers, Tandy and Tyrone, discover newly found abilities and that somehow they have been connected through them. As both try to go on living their own lives, they soon find out that their new powers can’t be ignored and they need each other to properly learn how to use them.

Sean’s Verdict: After having fairly low expectations for this, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Tandy and Ty are solid characters and their chemistry is actually pretty good. Expect a teenage drama that isn’t focused on the romantic part of things, but more about their growing friendship… with some supernatural abilities involved.

What’s interesting is this that it is actually set in the MCU,1 but you would never realize as they are almost no references to the bigger universe… except one or two small ones.

  1. The Avengers universe.
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