Sex Education

Netflix Original

Length: 2 Seasons (renewed)

Starring: Asa Butterfield, Emma Mackey, Gilian Anderson

Sean’s Synopsis: Otis (Butterfield) is a teenager in high school that is still trying to find himself, while also trying to deal with (avoid) his very forward mother (Anderson), who is a sex therapist. When fellow classmate, Maeve (Mackey), discovers that Otis has acquired a lot of his mother’s knowledge about sex, she convinces him to team up with her and create a sex education business for the kids in the high school, most of whom desperately need the help

Sean’s Verdict: Asa Butterfield is amazing. Emma Mackey is literally Margot Robbie’s doppelgänger. Gillian Anderson is really good at playing a mother who makes everyone feel uncomfortable. Sex Education is, plain and simple, in the must-watch category for us at TMB. Hysterical, kinda awkward, and full of heart.

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